Ulf Hundeiker reviewed Relic: Museum der Angst by Lincoln Child
Ein wenig beknackt, aber recht unerhaltsam
3 stars
Durchaus spannend. Aber reichlich unrealistisch. Pendergast ist ein spaßiger Type.
Audio CD
English language
Published Aug. 10, 2003 by Brilliance Audio on CD Lib Ed.
As taken from the author website (www.prestonchild.com):
Just days before a massive exhibition opens at the popular New York Museum of Natural History, visitors are being savagely murdered in the museum's dark hallways and secret rooms. Autopsies indicate that the killer cannot be human...
But the museum's directors plan to go ahead with a big bash to celebrate the new exhibition, in spite of the murders.
Museum researcher Margo Green must find out who--or what--is doing the killing. But can she do it in time to stop the massacre
Durchaus spannend. Aber reichlich unrealistisch. Pendergast ist ein spaßiger Type.