Julia K. Patt

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Julia is a 7-year-old and currently attends first grade. She leaves with her parents in Chicago, IL. Julia discovered her love for books during pre-k when her teacher showed kids how they can make their own books. Besides reading and writing, Julia enjoys art, gymnastics, karate, and ping pong.

Julia is working on her second book of the Noodlez the Worm series.

Books by Julia K. Patt

Elly Blue, Taru Luojola, Sarena Ulibarri, Julia K. Patt, Gretchin Lair, Gu Shi, Ayame Whitfield, Cheryl S. Ntumy, Phil Cowhig, Juliet Kemp, Chiara Rizzo, Viola Volpi: Ciclotopia (Paperback, Italian language, Future Fiction) No rating


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